Product Recall

ACE Insurance - Speciality Risk Insurance - Product Recall

Product recall protects our clients from unexpected costs associated with a recall of their products. We optimize the level of coverage to suit our clients needs.

Who we work with:

  • Automotive Part Suppliers
  • Aviation Part Suppliers
  • Consumer Products
  • Distributors
  • Electronics
  • Food & Beverages
  • Manufacturers of component parts
  • Medical Devices
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Restaurants

What we can offer:

  • Adverse Publicity
  • Brand Rehabilitation Expenses
  • Consultancy Costs
  • Contaminated Products Insurance
  • Costs to Repair, Replace or Refund
  • First Party Business Interruption (including loss of contract)
  • Forensic Accounting Costs
  • Government Recall
  • Malicious Tampering
  • Product Extortion
  • Product Recall/Guarantee
  • Recall Expenses (First & Third Party)
  • Third Party Financial Loss

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